Recette de pommes de terre crémeuses gratinées

For any family dinner or special occasion, this comforting classic gratin of pommes de terre crémeux is the way to go.

As an irresistible side dish, try the pommes de terre tranchées et cuites dans une sauce riche en fromage.

What are the ingredients?

Two pounds of potatoes, peeled and finely chopped (Yukon Gold or Russet).

3/4 cup of thick cream

1/2 cup of full-fat milk

Two tumblers of shredded cheddar cheese

1-tablespoon grated Parmesan

Three cubes of butter soup

three spears, speared

3/4 cup of muesli with coffee

Perceived salt and pepper

For the garnish, fresh rosemary.

Here are the directions:

Bring the four to a boil.

Preheat your oven to 375°F, or 190°C.

Get the potatoes ready:

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