Add this to the water. Even when you don’t clean the floor in a week, it will remain clean without any dust

Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid, because the ability to remove oil in dishwashing liquid is very strong. If there is cooking oil or food spilled on the floor, the dishwashing liquid will remove these grease stains, making the floor cleaner.

– Pour a little white vinegar or lemon juice into the bucket of water, it has the effect of softening the stains, making it easier to clean the floor and the floor will be cleaner.

– Pour a little alcohol to disinfect and sterilize. The floor will not be prone to mold.

– Add a little baking soda. This powder has a particularly strong disinfecting ability, and can easily remove stains on the floor.

– The most important thing is to add a little fabric softener to the bucket of floor cleaning water. In the summer, the floor is relatively dry, prone to static electricity, as long as the floor is static, all the stains and dirt on the ground will easily stick to the floor. Adding fabric softener will prevent static electricity, avoiding dust and stains from sticking to the floor.

After putting everything in the mop bucket, stir well to dissolve everything. After stirring well, put the mop in the bucket of water, and mop the floor as usual.

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