Here’s Why Dogs Bark at Some People and Not Others

Therefore, it is not uncommon for dogs to bark at people with less familiar characteristics, especially when it comes to appearance and smell.

Dogs Think Some People Are More Threatening
People differ from each other in size, physical characteristics, and behavior, and all of this can be perceived as a threat by the dog. The aspects that stand out the most in this regard are:

Accessories such as hats and sunglasses, which prevent the dog from seeing the person’s face.
The beard, for the same reason.
Very tall people.
Loud voices.
Certain body movements, especially direct eye contact.
Strong odors, whether it’s shampoo, perfume, deodorant, or even something you ate.
All this can make the dog nervous. It is common for some dogs to be afraid of adult males because their characteristics are stranger from the dog’s perspective: they are taller, have a deeper voice, and sometimes have a beard.

Bad memories can harm first contact
Dogs can perceive certain details and make associations with negative memories. Some people may seem scary to some dogs because they associate the smell or appearance with bad memories. An abused and traumatized dog may bark at people who remind him of sad images from the past.

They try to protect their owners, even if it is not necessary.
Dogs like to protect their territory and their owners, especially guard and herding dog breeds. That is, dogs may behave aggressively toward anyone who « invades » their space or acts in a way that they perceive as a threat to their family. The behavior that can trigger a protective response in the dog does not have to be truly aggressive, it can simply be a repetitive or very forceful action.

Indeed, any suspicious movement or unusual noise can be considered a threat by the dog. It could be a simple gesture like putting on a hat or opening an umbrella. Additionally, the dog may be jealous of people approaching their owners and therefore act possessive.

They Detect People’s True Nature
Dogs are often good judges of character, they can actually determine whether a person is trustworthy or not. Dogs are constantly monitoring social interactions and are always wary of how others treat their owners. Usually they bark when they sense that a person is not helping. Additionally, they usually pick up on what the owner thinks about another person.

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