How to open a padlock with a match?

Even if you are eager to speed up the mechanism, you must first gather all the necessary items to do so. Here is the list of equipment you need:

Insert the pointed end of the match into the hole in the padlock relative to the flattened part of the wire;
All you have to do is light the spark and let the magic happen: as soon as the match is ignited by the fire of the lighter, a small mechanism is triggered and presto, the padlock is unlocked! Surprising, right?
Step 4: Strike the match to open the padlock
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Step 4: Strike the match to open the padlock. Source: spm
TUTORIAL: Open a padlock with a lighter and a match
To better visualize this process, the link in the video below is useful:

Here you are, dear readers, with a useful and practical guide to opening your padlock in a state of emergency. Our final piece of advice is to practice to your heart’s content on a padlock in order to keep the upper hand if such an inconvenience were to occur in the future…

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