“I don’t flush the toilet.” How our pensioners save on water

– YES, it was turned off in the morning. Don’t you know? – we asked her.

“No, I haven’t used the water yet today,” the neighbor answered.

And then we already looked at her in surprise. It was almost evening and she still hadn’t used the water. How so?! Didn’t wash your face, didn’t go to the toilet, didn’t wash the dishes?

The grandmother shared that she has a tiny pension, and she tries to save on everything she can. On the water too. The toilet usually flushes a couple of times a day. That is, he relieves himself several times and only then washes it off once. 

I wash my face only once, in the evening. Never fills the bath completely, washes dishes under a thin stream of water, etc. 

I don’t know how much money she can save on such minimal water consumption. They didn’t ask her. her husband wanted to give her one bottle of water, but she didn’t take it, saying that the water would be turned on soon anyway, so she didn’t need it. 

The water was finally turned on only an hour after we returned home. The rest of the day was somehow uneasy. I feel very sorry for pensioners who have to save so much. Especially on something as necessary as water.

Are you saving water? How do you do it?

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